Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer vacation is such a thing of the past...

So as the semester nears the end I'm getting a little nostalgic (even if it was just five weeks). But anyway, as I've been spending the last couple of nights trying to finish papers and get all my notes in order for Monday's finals I can't help but think of how my vacations used to be like.
They've lasted 3 months and I was basically everyday at the beach. I cared about very little and was happy with a popsicle (I'm not a big fan of ice cream anyway and the ones made with milk are way too heavy) and if it so happened to rain, I used to go to the mountains with my bike.
By the end of the summer I was already fed up with this way too stress free routine and couldn't wait to get  back to class. I never appreciated that time the way I should've.
My how things have changed. For the last 5 years  I havent had not even a week off let alone 3 months.
However I must admit that I wouldn't be able to do it nowadays. A month would be perfect. But it would have to be a month without cellphones, books, emails....nothing other vacation and some piece of mind.
With that thought in mind I'll continue with my courses until I graduate and can finally do that. :)

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