Saturday, May 28, 2011

Since when did vampires become so interesting ????

Twilight, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries ... It's official: now that the boy wizard fever has toned down the vampires had invaded Earth.
It all started with a couple: Bella and Edward.
In Twilight you have this 400 year old vampire, whose a bit of a loner, hanging around in school until one day he saves this girl from being attacked by a bunch of creeps.
From then on there's several culprits to this love story in the sequels New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (the last divided in two sequels just like the Harry Potter finale - surprise, surprise). Before I could even catch my breath TV became invaded by everything vampire. Well, to be fair, it was kind of invaded before with Buffy, the vampire slayer but though it was a very popular show, it was nothing compared to this.
Even books are being read on the suject, with everyone at my job (I work at a Dunkin Donuts and I'm NOT included in this mix) swaping copies of the Twilight Saga.
To be honest, and as cool as it may seem now, vampires and wizards were never really my thing. And as soon as something starts to contaminate everything else it makes me lose interest because it stopped being original. So let's keep it fresh shall we ?????

P.S.: by the way I did see the first Twilight movie, and even though I do think Edward is cute (in a weird, 'vampirish' way) I did not wait on the line for the 12 00 am screening nor did I see any of the ones that followed suit.

1 comment:

  1. I am completely with you...I am not into the Vampire phase. And I think that is exactly what it is, a phase. The media is constantly coming up with an idea and if it works then everyone jumps on the bandwagon. I have not seen any of the Twilight movies or any vampire television shows, because it's not my thing. But hey if it's your thing then go for it. But I am a believer in the fact that this too will die down, just like every other fad in Hollywood.
