Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fun 107 and its 'special' way of overplaying music...

Today after my 9 hour shift, I drove back home and turn on the radio only to hear "E.T." by Katy Perry which so happened to be the same song I had just listened to not even 5 minutes before leaving work. SO ANNOYING !!!
It seems to me that radio stations these days, FUN 107 specially, seem to play the same songs from the same artists over and over again which causes two (bad) things: it overplays the song, which is never good, and it keeps other artists from having some play time too.
I dare to say that this reminds of the payola scandals back in the 1950's. Why are theses artists on at all times?
Personally, I love Rihanna but her latest hits, "Only girl in the World", "What's my name?" and "California King Bed" specifically, make me want to pull my own hair out everytime they come up... which happens to happen every 5 minutes... it's mind blogging !!!
The other day, I came accross a band called Crystal Antlers that my friend accidentally downloaded to her Ipod, and it quickly became one of my favorites. I'm saddened that I never get to hear these amazing bands on the radio because of fact that these stations are polluted with comercial garbage... ENOUGH !


  1. I agree that overplaying music is quite annoying. I am a person who can listen to songs countless amounts of time but at some point they do get annoying. I was listening to Matty in the Morning on Kiss 108 last week and they were talking about this. He said that the stations are obviously aware that they play the same music over and over , but IT WORKS! As much as we complain about the music being repeated, what do we do about it? I, myself, still listen to the damn radio. Everyday the same stations. The solution? Go out and buy new CDs every couple of weeks. Or get XM radio. But most people do not care enough to spend their money on expensive radio or CDs. So in the end, Matty is right. The songs might be the same, but people still listen.

  2. I listen to the radio whenever I drive, which is everyday. I listen to Radio 92.9 and Jamn 94.5. They are notorious for overplaying music. I can set my watch by certain songs. My job plays WODS 103.3 all day. Oldies are old for a reason, we have new stuff! Mix it up once in a while and we can all get along and I won't have to bang my head on my steering wheel.
