Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fun 107 and its 'special' way of overplaying music...

Today after my 9 hour shift, I drove back home and turn on the radio only to hear "E.T." by Katy Perry which so happened to be the same song I had just listened to not even 5 minutes before leaving work. SO ANNOYING !!!
It seems to me that radio stations these days, FUN 107 specially, seem to play the same songs from the same artists over and over again which causes two (bad) things: it overplays the song, which is never good, and it keeps other artists from having some play time too.
I dare to say that this reminds of the payola scandals back in the 1950's. Why are theses artists on at all times?
Personally, I love Rihanna but her latest hits, "Only girl in the World", "What's my name?" and "California King Bed" specifically, make me want to pull my own hair out everytime they come up... which happens to happen every 5 minutes... it's mind blogging !!!
The other day, I came accross a band called Crystal Antlers that my friend accidentally downloaded to her Ipod, and it quickly became one of my favorites. I'm saddened that I never get to hear these amazing bands on the radio because of fact that these stations are polluted with comercial garbage... ENOUGH !

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Since when did vampires become so interesting ????

Twilight, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries ... It's official: now that the boy wizard fever has toned down the vampires had invaded Earth.
It all started with a couple: Bella and Edward.
In Twilight you have this 400 year old vampire, whose a bit of a loner, hanging around in school until one day he saves this girl from being attacked by a bunch of creeps.
From then on there's several culprits to this love story in the sequels New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (the last divided in two sequels just like the Harry Potter finale - surprise, surprise). Before I could even catch my breath TV became invaded by everything vampire. Well, to be fair, it was kind of invaded before with Buffy, the vampire slayer but though it was a very popular show, it was nothing compared to this.
Even books are being read on the suject, with everyone at my job (I work at a Dunkin Donuts and I'm NOT included in this mix) swaping copies of the Twilight Saga.
To be honest, and as cool as it may seem now, vampires and wizards were never really my thing. And as soon as something starts to contaminate everything else it makes me lose interest because it stopped being original. So let's keep it fresh shall we ?????

P.S.: by the way I did see the first Twilight movie, and even though I do think Edward is cute (in a weird, 'vampirish' way) I did not wait on the line for the 12 00 am screening nor did I see any of the ones that followed suit.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Woody Allen ... what's the secret ????? (if there's any that is...)

Woody Allen is a veteran director who's been making movies for like ever.
As controversial as he might seem in his personal life, I cannot help but to be amazed at how he does his movies.
I used to overanalyze them in every aspect ... how does he create the scripts??? does he even write the scripts ???? why does improvising seem to be a very common method used by his stars???? why do the characters do what they do ???? is there any reason to it or none at all????
So many questions.....
Recently I've watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Annie Hall.
Let me start with the latter.
Annie Hall, for those who haven't watched it, is about the relationship of Alvy, a kind of anxious comedian, and Annie, the ditzy part of said relationship.
Both characters are so different that their realtionship ends up being somewhat tumultuous, and after many on/off's they break up for good. The movie ends back in New York with both characters and their different partners and questioning what really is a realationship.... Now without wanting to sound like to much of a 'Juliet' this movie pretty much says it all about relationships. They cannot be overanalyzed and in order for you to understand and move on to better things heartbreaks and disappoitments have to take place.
In Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Allen takes relationships to a whole other level. Vicky and Cristina are both American and together they travel to Barcelona for the summer to meet up with some friends that live there. They are completely different from each other. The first is the smart one who is engaged (and eventually ends up married) and is studying for her masters and the latter is the one who doesn't know what she wants from life and/or love.
They both fall for a painter, Juan Antonio, who likes them both but who also has a crazy relationship with his ex wife-the emotionally and mentally unstable Maria Elena.
After some unexpected twists both women return to America in the end with Vicky leading her 'perfect' married life, Cristina only knowing what she doesn't want in hers and Juan Antonio and Maria Elena separate yet again. If you try to overanalyze and explain why do these characters act the way they do, you'll quit before you know it. That's why that for the latest Woody Allen movie 'Midnight in Paris', another one of Allen's very own relationship comedies, I'm not going to make any judgement or preconceived notion. It is what is because it feels like being it. And that's that.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Technology, Technology, Technology ... its everywhere but that doesnt necessarily mean that I'm good at it !!!!

It seems to be everywhere these days. Tonight, as I'm sitting at my desk, I have my laptop on, my Blackberry right next to it, my sister makes sure that I can clearly hear the radio and my mum is very inbterested in the latest episode of her favorite soap opera.
But just because it seems like we're surrounded by something 24/7 it doesn't mean that we are actually good at it.
In my case, the situation is so bad that I've spent the past hour and a half trying to figure out how to comment on a classmate's blog. Still didn't get it.
Same with my phone. I just figure out the basic stuff I need to know like how to sms and how to activate my email account on it so I can be kept up to date when I'm somewhere where laptops are not permitted.
Maybe it doesn't help the fact that I'm much more of a talking person than a technology person. It's much easier for me to ask directions in French or order food in Spanish, than to comment on a blog.
Maybe I'm just to much of a bookworm who only got her first computer when she was 20, and therefore couldn't quite exactly hone my computer skills like many of my age.
Or just maybe because my comment hadn't really that much of an interesting opinion and therefore save me the problem of public embarassment by not allowing me to submit it.
Either way, I guess that at 12:52 pm after several attempts, I'll just take a break and try it again tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'd be able to do it by then. :-)